13 Architekten, die du kennen solltest

Gebäude in allen Formen, Farben und Größen und von allen Enden dieser Erde zeigt dieser Band. Doch geht es nicht um die Gebäude allein! In 13 spannenden Kapiteln werden die Genies, die hinter den Bauwerken stehen, vorgestellt. Kinder finden heraus, wie Christopher Wren nach dem verheerenden Londoner Stadtbrand 1666 die St. Paul’s Cathedral wieder errichtete, was der amerikanische Präsident Thomas Jefferson sonst noch machte, außer die Unabhängigkeitserklärung zu formulieren, und wie Frank Lloyd Wright und Zaha Hadid die Grenzen der modernen Architektur sprengen. Ein Steckbrief zu jedem Architekten, ausführliche Bildlegenden und verständliche Erklärungen werden mit spielerischen Elementen und Anregungen zum Weiterlesen und Selbermachen verbunden.

Erschienen auf Deutsch und Englisch, August 2014

Ab 8 Jahren
Gebundenes Buch, Pappband, 48 Seiten, 24x28, 60 farbige Abbildungen
ISBN: 978-3-7913-7183-2
€ 12,99 [D] | € 13,40 [A] | CHF 17,90*
(* empf. VK-Preis)
Verlag: Prestel junior


This is a really interesting and detailed book.
In modern time, it seems like people build concrete houses and concrete buildings quickly and cheaply and don‘t put as much care or details into them. It was impressive to see examples in this book of the complete opposite of that. For example, Antoni Gaudi spent so much time on his La Sagrada Familia to make it perfect that they are still building it today a hundred years later!
I've been to some of the places mentioned in the book, and they are even more interesting to me now that I know something about the person behind designing the structures. I like that the author gave enough details given that I can almost see and feel what the architect was thinking. I also like that the author puts a historical timeline across each page. It helps the reader understand what else was going on during the same time period the architect was working in.
My favorite part of the book was being introduced to Zaha Hadid, the best female architect in the world. People thought her ideas were crummy and not build-able, but she ignored the criticism, followed her dreams, and was the architect for amazing places. That helps inspire me and makes me believe in myself.
I would give this book 5 stars. I think other kids my age would enjoy this book a lot, read it many times, and even use it as a reference for school projects." YoungMensanBookParade

"Each architects entry includes a concise biography, illustrations of major works, additional information about the buildings pictured, suggestions for further reading, and online resources that will satisfy the most curious minds." —San Diego Family Magazine

"This handsome book offers young people an informative introduction to architecture." —Carolyn Phelan, Booklist